Saturday, March 24, 2007

5 in 1


What do these things have in common? Oh well they dominate the world of youth today, I must say.
For a person to become effective in his career, one must posses’ passion and dedication with his/her chosen field.

Upon listening to him, I observed that Pong Mangio (the speaker for entertainment) is naturally funny and witty, which perhaps is the reason why he was able to enter the world of entertainment particularly theater acting. Pong mentioned in his brief talk that he loves meeting and working with different people.
Enjoyment is his key to surviving the adventurous world of entertainment.

While this could be true, I believe health, beauty, and fashion is needed for an entertainer to surpass the frying eyes of the viewers.
And this is where Ms Isa Minelle Gozun came in and in her brief talk she mentioned that fashion could make or break a person’s style. And that fashion is not simply a matter of following the latest trends rather it is knowing what fits one’s body, style, personality and feeling totally comfortable about it.

Just the way Mrs Angela Boyd Mandap a former Ms University emphasized that beauty is matter of perspective. It is a matter of right projection, and it is knowing and understanding oneself inside-out. She also mentioned that physical features do not really matter as long as a person carries him/herself well.

Beauty is very essential for people especially at this point where everything is possible provided that one has the means. Most of the time people get the wrong notion of sacrificing one’s health to achieve the body and beauty they desire. This is why a sport active P.E teacher was also invited to entice the listeners to engage into sports. She explained that sports is not only good for one’s health but is also a big help in achieving a balance and well fit body. And this gave way for her to introduce to us “tai-chi” a breathing exercise which is very beneficial to the body.

Talking about beneficial, two businessmen were invited as well to provide us a brief view on how it is to run a business. The speakers did not really explain everything in details but we have enjoyed the discussion nonetheless. The two are managing family business. One of them stressed out that to come up with a successful business, everything should always start from a person’s interests.

I think the colloquium all boils down to a realization that to become successful in whatever endeavor, the motivation to engage into something must always be a combination of the heart and the mind. It is simply following what your heart desires yet with the wise handling of the mind.

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